Hyperdrive on the fritz? No worries. Use this exclusive After Effects tutorial to recreate a lightspeed jump. Includes free project files!
There are few VFX shots as endearing or revolutionary as the lightspeed jump from the original Star Wars movie. While the original VFX artists used practical effects to create the lightspeed jump, we have the tools now to create a similar jump at home.
In this After Effects tutorial, we’re going to create a Star-Wars-inspired lightspeed jump using only native plugins and effects. This technique will blend both the original lightspeed jump technique and the new warped tunnel technique.
Lightsaber Effect In Photoshop
- Make the Lightsaber Effect Comp the active layer and go into EffectsMotion Blur. Again, the amount of blurriness is up to you and you should play around with it to see how much blurriness you want. As with all moving objects, you should always hit the M found on your time line window.
- Hey guys, I'm editing the lightsaber battles in a Star Wars movie that I made in Adobe After Effects. To make the lightsabers, I traced over every frame of the lightsaber's movements (rotoscoping) to give it the effect. Everything is working fine, but there is one problem. At various points, the lightsaber is shown behind another object, which should split the beam into separate parts.
Download the Free Project File and Video Asset
How To: Make a lightsaber effect with Adobe Premiere Elements How To: Create a force field effect in Adobe After Effects CS5 How To: Create 3D text in After Effects without plugins How To: Build two lightsabers, make effects, and use the force. The easiest way to make a lightsaber in After Effects CS3 is with the Beam effect. This effect creates a short beam somewhat like a lightsaber by default. With only minor adjustments you can make a convincing lightsaber in whatever color and size you like. Once you have your footage, all you need is After Effects to make the lightsaber effects. Want to master Microsoft Excel and take your work-from-home job prospects to the next level? Jump-start your career with our Premium A-to-Z Microsoft Excel Training Bundle from the new Gadget Hacks Shop and get lifetime access to more than 40 hours of.
To download the free project file and video asset used in this tutorial, simply click on the download button below. These files are free for educational use, but please do not distribute the files without permission. The download files comes with:
- Free After Effects CS6 Project File
- Free HD Anamorphic Lens Flare from Radium
- PDF Guide
Radium: 120 4K Lens Flares
The technique mentioned above uses a clip from Radium, our exclusive pack of 120 4K lens flare elements. The pack includes 70 flares, 15 transitions, 15 titles, and 10 streaks. If you want to learn more about Radium, check out the product page here on RocketStock.
Want to learn more about creating Star Wars effects at home? Check out a few of these articles from around the web:
Have any tips for making this effect look even better? Share you thoughts in the comments below.
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