Todo Ms


Microsoft To Do. Terms of use for To Do. I used to manage my task list with Wunderlist for several years. Last month, I was forced to change from wunderlist to microsoft todo. How can I install MS TODO on MS Windows Server 2016? Todo List helps you organize your tasks, even without being permanently connected to the internet.It’s elegant design allows you to easily manage your everyday life in an efficient way. Keep it together with Todo, an amazing new app for list-keeping that is unbelievably simple, quick and satisfying to use. Microsoft To Do is a task management app to help you stay organized and manage your day-to-day. You can use Microsoft To Do to make shopping lists or task lists, take notes, record collections, plan an event, or set reminders to increase your productivity and focus on what matters to you.

Highlight TODO, FIXME and other annotations within your code.

Sometimes you forget to review the TODOs you've added while coding before you publish the code to production.So I've been wanting an extension for a long time that highlights them and reminds me that there are notes or things not done yet.

Hope this extension helps you as well.


Many report that the List highlighted annotations command is not working, make sure you have the file types included via todohighlight.include.


  • with material night color theme:

  • with material night eighties color theme:


TODO:,FIXME: are built-in keywords. You can override the look by customizing the setting.

To customize the keywords and other stuff, command + , (Windows / Linux: File -> Preferences -> User Settings) open the vscode file settings.json.

todohighlight.isEnablebooleantrueToggle the highlight, default is true.
todohighlight.isCaseSensitivebooleantrueWhether the keywords are case sensitive or not.
todohighlight.keywordsarrayN/AAn array of keywords that will be hilighted. You can also specify the style for each keywords here. See example below for more infomation.
todohighlight.keywordsPatternstringN/ASpecify keywords via RegExp instead of todohighlight.keywords one by one. NOTE that if this presents, todohighlight.keywords will be ignored. And REMEMBER to escapse the back slash if there's any in your regexp (using instead of signle back slash).
todohighlight.defaultStyleobjectN/ASpecify the default style for custom keywords, if not specified, build in default style will be applied. See all available properties on VSCode doc DecorationRenderOptions section
Glob patterns that defines the files to search for. Only include files you need, DO NOT USE {**/*.*} for both permormance and avoiding binary files reason.
For backwards compatability, a string combine all the patterns is also valid '{**/*.js,**/*.jsx,**/*.ts,**/*.tsx,**/*.html,**/*.php,**/*.css,**/*.scss}'
Glob pattern that defines files and folders to exclude while listing annotations.
For backwards compatability, a string combine all the patterns is also valid '{**/node_modules/**,**/bower_components/**,**/dist/**,**/build/**,**/.vscode/**,**/_output/**,**/*.min.*,**/*.map}'
todohighlight.maxFilesForSearchnumber5120Max files for searching, mostly you don't need to configure this.
todohighlight.toggleURIbooleanfalseIf the file path within the output channel not clickable, set this to true to toggle the path patten between <path>#<line> and <path>:<line>:<column>.

Ms Todo Api

Scenario 2 part 1.2.1&your digital footprint. an example of customizing configuration:

Todo Mariachi


This extension contributes the following commands to the Command palette.

  • Toggle highlight : turn on/off the highlight
  • List highlighted annotations : list annotations and reveal from corresponding file

Known issue

The clickable file pattern within the output channel differs from OS platform(<path>#<line> for Mac/Windows and <path>:<line>:<column> for Linux, for details see this issue ).

Basically the extension auto detects the OS platform.

If you find that the file path is not clickable, set todohighlight.toggleURI to true to toggle the file pattern.


This tutorial shows you how to build and modify a Blazor app. You learn how to:

  • Create a todo list Blazor app project
  • Modify Razor components
  • Use event handling and data binding in components
  • Use routing in a Blazor app

At the end of this tutorial, you'll have a working todo list app.


Create a todo list Blazor app

  1. Create a new Blazor app named TodoList in a command shell:

    The preceding command creates a folder named TodoList with the -o|--output option to hold the app. The TodoList folder is the root folder of the project. Change directories to the TodoList folder with the following command:

  2. Add a new Todo Razor component to the app using the following command:

    The -n|--name option in the preceding command specifies the name of the new Razor component. The new component is created in the project's Pages folder with the -o|--output option.


    Razor component file names require a capitalized first letter. Open the Pages folder and confirm that the Todo component file name starts with a capital letter T. The file name should be Todo.razor.

  3. Open the Todo component in any file editor and add an @page Razor directive to the top of the file with a relative URL of /todo.


    Save the Pages/Todo.razor file.

  4. Add the Todo component to the navigation bar.

    The NavMenu component is used in the app's layout. Layouts are components that allow you to avoid duplication of content in an app. The NavLink component provides a cue in the app's UI when the component URL is loaded by the app.

    In the unordered list (<ul>..</ul>) of the NavMenu component, add the following list item (<li>..</li>) and NavLink component for the Todo component.

    In Shared/NavMenu.razor:

    Save the Shared/NavMenu.razor file.

  5. Build and run the app by executing the dotnet watch run command in the command shell from the TodoList folder. After the app is running, visit the new Todo page by selecting the Todo link in the app's navigation bar, which loads the page at /todo.

    Leave the app running the command shell. Each time a file is saved, the app is automatically rebuilt. The browser temporarily loses its connection to the app while compiling and restarting. The page in the browser is automatically reloaded when the connection is re-established.

  6. Add a TodoItem.cs file to the root of the project (the TodoList folder) to hold a class that represents a todo item. Use the following C# code for the TodoItem class.



    If using Visual Studio to create the TodoItem.cs file and TodoItem class, use either of the following approaches:

    • Remove the namespace that Visual Studio generates for the class.
    • Use the Copy button in the preceding code block and replace the entire contents of the file that Visual Studio generates.
  7. Return to the Todo component and perform the following tasks:

    • Add a field for the todo items in the @code block. The Todo component uses this field to maintain the state of the todo list.
    • Add unordered list markup and a foreach loop to render each todo item as a list item (<li>).


  8. The app requires UI elements for adding todo items to the list. Add a text input (<input>) and a button (<button>) below the unordered list (<ul>..</ul>):

  9. Save the TodoItem.cs file and the updated Pages/Todo.razor file. In the command shell, the app is automatically rebuilt when the files are saved. The browser temporarily loses its connection to the app and then reloads the page when the connection is re-established.

  10. When the Add todo button is selected, nothing happens because an event handler isn't attached to the button.

  11. Add an AddTodo method to the Todo component and register the method for the button using the @onclick attribute. The AddTodo C# method is called when the button is selected:

  12. To get the title of the new todo item, add a newTodo string field at the top of the @code block:

    Proloquo : multilingual augmentative and alternative. Modify the text <input> element to bind newTodo with the @bind attribute:

  13. Update the AddTodo method to add the TodoItem with the specified title to the list. Clear the value of the text input by setting newTodo to an empty string:

  14. Save the Pages/Todo.razor file. The app is automatically rebuilt in the command shell. The page reloads in the browser after the browser reconnects to the app.

  15. The title text for each todo item can be made editable, and a check box can help the user keep track of completed items. Add a check box input for each todo item and bind its value to the IsDone property. Change @todo.Title to an <input> element bound to todo.Title with @bind:

  16. Update the <h3> header to show a count of the number of todo items that aren't complete (IsDone is false).

  17. Hot shot sniperwatermelon gaming. The completed Todo component (Pages/Todo.razor):

  18. Save the Pages/Todo.razor file. The app is automatically rebuilt in the command shell. The page reloads in the browser after the browser reconnects to the app.

  19. Add items, edit items, and mark todo items done to test the component.

  20. When finished, shut down the app in the command shell. Many command shells accept the keyboard command Ctrl+c to stop an app.

Download Microsoft Todo Desktop

Next steps

In this tutorial, you learned how to:

  • Create a todo list Blazor app project
  • Modify Razor components
  • Use event handling and data binding in components
  • Use routing in a Blazor app

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