A OneNote developer revealed astonishing information on the common sync error 0xE0000007.
Now nickandre15, a user on the OneNote area on Reddit and apparently Nicholas Andre, a former member of the OneNote developers team, shed some light on this strange behavior. He says: He says: “E0000007 usually means “the server hiccuped.”. Microsoft OneNote is one of the popular note-taking solutions. The software is available on iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, and Web. OneNote uses OneDrive to store and synchronize the data across. Besides, I suggest you open the notebook on OneNote online to check the result. If the problem persists, I want to confirm the information below with you: 1. You can go to OneNote Online and create a new notebook and copy the content of the problematic notebook to the new notebook. 【背景】 OneNote的服务器同步失败问题经常出现。但每次都是过一段时间,同步就会成功。但是前段时间,重要的面试时刻,OneNote电脑端关键时刻同步不成功。让我下决心要找个办法,解决它。OneNote提示“由于某种原因,无法连接到服务器。请尝试检查您的连接. 最終更新日: 2017 年 11 月 13 日. Windows 10、OneNote 2016、OneNote for Mac、OneNote for iOS (iPad および iPhone)、または OneNote for Android の Microsoft OneNote で、ノートブックへの変更を同期しようとすると、次のエラーが表示される場合があります。.
While there is no common solution for many sync errors on all OneNote versions because there are too many variables in play, there is news about the specific error 0xE0000007. As far as I know, it only says that the server is not responding. I experienced this error (in my case mainly on a Mac) myself several times and noticed something strange: Despite the error being displayed, all recent changed to the notebook seem to have gotten perfectly synchronized with OneDrive.
Now nickandre15, a user on the OneNote area on Reddit and apparently Nicholas Andre, a former member of the OneNote developers team, shed some light on this strange behavior. He says:
“E0000007 usually means “the server hiccuped.” We cache error codes for a period of time, which is why it hangs around. You should be able to ignore it (we’re discussing just hiding that error code)”
Onenote E40200b4
In another post he said:
“What happens is that if there’s a problem (like we got disconnected while trying to sync) we display that error for about 30 minutes. The error doesn’t imply that you aren’t synced, just that the last time it tried to connect to the server it had a problem. We are working on making this process less painful. You can always click “Sync Now” which should restart sync and bring you up to date and clear that error.”
Interesting. This reminds me somewhat of the error “cache” of modern car electronics. A warning light in the dashboard sometimes(!) only indicates a short “Hiccup” in the ignition or a bad contact in an airbag sensor. Although there is no fault anymore, the error memory has to be reset.
Onenote Save Offline Error E0000007 9wgyi
(Sorry, the screenshot op top shows the German version of MacOS. I could not reproduce the error lately to create a new screenshot. But I think you get the point)